Next Friday, Jenni and I will be making the journey to Likhubula, Malawi as part of the Dunblane-Likhubula Partnership. I can't wait! It's been two years since I have been in Malawi and it has always held a special place in my heart.
This visit will be very productive and busy. We will arrive at Likhubula House and spend 10 days there working with our partnership friends on a range of issues including meeting bursary pupils, visiting with the Guild, seeing the goat projects and so much.
On a personal level, we will also catch up with good friends Daytoney Malefula and Charles Chiromo and their families. We will also visit Cape McLear, Lake Malawi and Chifundo Artisans' Network.
I am not sure what the internet access will be while in Malawi so this may be a 'post visit' blog. Fingers crossed we will be able to keep everyone up to date on a daily or almost daily basis!
Good Luck you guys, your trip will amazing x